Saturday, February 25, 2012

Newest landscape finished

"Monumental" is the title I came up with. I've never been good at picking titles. Oh well. I hope the painting speaks for it self.

Anyway, I think it's done. I also decided to start watermarking my images. Maybe that will increase traffic to my website.

I thought the painting was too vibrant and green (It was that Cad Yellow Medium that did it, I think), so I did some red/orange glazes all over the painting. When that was a little tacky I went in with thicker paint. I added more variety of greens and a bit more detail in the foreground. I didn't want to add too much because I want to keep the focus on the main cluster of rocks.

I dulled down the highlights on the rocks with a mix of Naples, Flake White, and a touch of Red Ochre. The Cadmiums still peek through here and there. I think it makes a more convincing sense of a sunset without being too overpowering.

I drove to Sedona earlier this week and took loads of photos. It was too cold to do any painting outdoors. I think I'll paint some of that stuff next.

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